The Planning Place can inform and keep you up to date with ever changing planning and environmental legislation, new planning schemes, regional plans and the effect plans and legislation will have on your land or land purchase. Furthermore we can prepare detailed planning submissions on your behalf in regard to urban footprint or proposed zone changes during public notification of draft plans.You will be provided with: description of the planning process; description of the relevant legislation and provisions of the planning scheme; review of potential development options over the land; and key findings.

A selection of projects that due diligence has been provided include:

  • Representation to Council in regard to changes contained in draft Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes.
  • Development options over coastal land, in particular advice in regard to the State Coastal Plan and the Vegetation Management Act.
  • Submissions to the Department of Infrastructure and Planning in regard to The South East Queensland Regional Plan 2005-2025 and subsequent amendments
  • Due diligence investigations – South Deebing Road and Ripley Valley Master Plan.
  • Planning investigations into existing non-confirming use, land use rights.

Preliminary Investigations

The Planning Place can ensure your success on how to develop your land including preliminary town planning investigations, development feasibilities and RiskSmart approval process prequalification.

The Planning Place will identify if further preliminary investigations and advice should be sought prior to moving to the development application stage.

A selection of preliminary investigations include:

  • Site investigations – development feasibility for potential number of multi-unit dwellings.
  • Review lot yield in investigation areas.
  • Probable success for demolition of a house in a Demolition Control Precinct.
  • Review performance solutions sought for development.
  • Identify Referral Agencies and if necessary hold prelodgement meetings.
  • Undertake servicing investigations for new subdivisions.
  • RiskSMART application pre-check to ensure acceptable solutions are met for a fast track approval