AA FAST DA Approvals

AA Fast DA Approvals are accredited BCC RiskSMART consultants who can prepare and assess all your BCC RiskSMART applications. We have many satisfied clients who benefited from quickly obtained development approvals. Brisbane City Council has established the “Risk-Smart” (DA) Development process to fast track Development Applications and as a tool to reduce regulation within the development industry.If you’re looking to find a way to get through the development process and obtaining your development approval faster, you may be happy to learn more about the “Risk-Smart” Development Assessment process. Click here to complete a fast check to see if your project qualifies or Ph: (07) 3257 7833 

the planning place terms

Quality Assured / Rapid Response

The team is support by student planners, administration staff and a business manager. The structure of the organisation allows fee proposals to be issued promptly within a 24 hour response period and allows the town planners to commence the preparation and assessment of the RiskSMART applications in a timely manner. The team approach at Brisbane RiskSMART ensures all necessary checks are undertaken, and the application is assessed and lodged within target timeframes and meets quality assurance standards. For more information, visit www.aafastdaapprovals.com.au.