The Planning Place has obtained the following recent Residential approvals:

RiskSMART Development Approval – 27 Chermside Street, Grange
The Planning Place has successfully obtained a Development Permit for a House in a Traditional Building Character overlay on a Small Lot and preliminary approval for associated Building Work. This approval at 27 Chermside Street, Grange triggered Code assessment where the proposal complied with acceptable solutions of the Dwelling House (Small Lot) Code and Traditional Building Character (Design) Overlay Code. The application also qualified for the RiskSMART fast-track program.

Development Approval – 693 Grassdale Road, Gumdale
The Planning Place has successfully obtained approval for a Dwelling House in an Environmental Management Zone at 693 Grassdale Road, Gumdale. Council deemed the Code assessable development as suitable for the site with the inclusion of an overland Flow and Flood Assessment report.

RiskSMART Development Approval – 31 Stewart Street, Hawthorne
The Planning Place has obtained Development Approval for House Extensions in a Traditional Building Character Overlay on a Small Lot at 31 Stewart Street, Hawthorne. The use of RiskSMART enabled the delivery of this high quality development.
The Planning Place has obtained the following recent Subdivision approvals:

RiskSMART Development Approval – 17 Didcot Street, Kuraby
The Planning Place has obtained Development Approval for a Reconfiguration of a Lot (1 into 2 Lots) at 17 Didcot Street, Kuraby. The RiskSMART assessment undertaken saw a reduction on the development applications fees and greater certainty of approval.

RiskSMART Development Approval – 118 & 120 Junction Road, Morningside
The Planning Place obtained Development Approval for a Reconfiguration of a Lot at 118 & 120 Junction Road, Morningside. The Code assessable development of a 2 into 3 Lot Subdivision utilised the advantage of RiskSMART assessment to achieve a timely outcome.

RiskSMART Development Approval – 744 Nudgee Road, Northgate
The Planning Place obtained Development Approval for a Reconfiguration of a Lot (2 into 2 Lot Boundary Re-alignment) at 744 Nudgee Road, Northgate. The Code assessable RiskSMART application was approved to support a more complimentary lot pattern in the area.
The Planning Place has obtained the following recent Unit approvals:

RiskSMART Development Approval – 6 Harry Street, Zillmere
The Planning Place obtained Development Approval for a Material Change of Use at 6 Harry Street, Zillmere which triggered Code Assessment due to the building’s height. The approval for a Multiple Dwelling (5 Units) was obtained through RiskSMART assessment.

Development Approval – 48 High Street, Mount Gravatt
The Planning Place obtained Development Approval for a Multiple Dwellings (5 Units) at 48 High Street, Mount Gravatt. As part of the development’s assessment, a Bushfire Management Report was included as the subject site triggered the Bushfire Hazard overlay.

Development Approval – 7a, 9 & 11 Dudley Street, Annerley
The Planning Place obtained Development Approval for Multiple-Unit Dwellings (10 Units) at 7a, 9 & 11 Dudley Street, Annerley. The development triggered Impact assessment, therefore public notification was undertaken as part of the process.
The Planning Place has obtained the following recent Commercial / Industrial approvals:

Development Approval – 14 Peters St, Esk
The Planning Place obtained Development Approval for a Material Change of Use at 14 Peters St, Esk. The approval is for a commercial premises and was obtained from Somerset Regional Council.

RiskSMART Developement Approval – Unit 19 Kelvin Grove Garden, Kelvin Grove
Brisbane Town Planning Firm, The Planning Place has obtained Development Approval for a Material Change of Use at Unit 19 Kelvin Grove Garden, Kelvin Grove Road, Kelvin Grove. The application was lodged through Brisbane City Council’s RiskSMART approval system. The proposed development was to establish a coffee shop within an existing commercial premises. This type of development trigger approval as it is creating a restaurant within a Centre Activity zone.

RiskSMART Developement Approval – 14 Birubi Street, Coorparoo
The Planning Place obtained Development Appeoval for a Material Change of Use for Warehouse Extensions at 14 Birubi Street, Coorparoo. The RiskSMART application was to provide an additional 96m2 of Gross Floor Area and as part of the application, the car parking and flooding requirements were identified in the proposal. The proposed extensions were Code assessable and RiskSMART ensured a timely decision was made.